When you look at the picture at the top of this blog,
what does it bring to mind?
For me if represents my journey through life, the options are many but the results greatly vary...
What direction will I take?
What is my reasoning?
What light am I choosing to follow?
What is around the bend?
Where will these paths ultimately take me?
Are the lights a solid strength or the glitzy invitations of the world?
Questions and more questions how can I ever know what is right?
The struggle to make important decisions effects all of us and sometimes we waiver, because we are unsure. But we are not alone. The Lord Jesus Christ has brought the world the gift of Holy Ghost. When our hearts are open and our minds prayerful the Holy Ghost can guide and direct our paths as we listen with spiritual ears. A wise prophet once taught …”And by the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truth of all things.” A rich resource to guide our indecision.
For me if represents my journey through life, the options are many but the results greatly vary...
What direction will I take?
What is my reasoning?
What light am I choosing to follow?
What is around the bend?
Where will these paths ultimately take me?
Are the lights a solid strength or the glitzy invitations of the world?
Questions and more questions how can I ever know what is right?
The struggle to make important decisions effects all of us and sometimes we waiver, because we are unsure. But we are not alone. The Lord Jesus Christ has brought the world the gift of Holy Ghost. When our hearts are open and our minds prayerful the Holy Ghost can guide and direct our paths as we listen with spiritual ears. A wise prophet once taught …”And by the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truth of all things.” A rich resource to guide our indecision.
I really like the picture with the different paths. I too like to take photos showing paths leading to - who knows where? Only God knows where the paths lead, and we'd be wise to ask Him which path to set out on. Thank you for your thoughtful posts - and blessings to you. I have several "path" photos in my blog as well - www.sandra-ramblingrose.blogspot.com. You might be blessed to check them out too. Thanks for sharing! Sandra