The world is full of pathways and the choices are numberless. There are some that seem attractive and desirable but eventually lead to darkness and despair. Other pathways can draw us into a comfortable existence but then our progress stops. There are the tempting choices that appeal to our physical desires that can bring personal hardships, destroying families and individuals. All is not lost. He who loves us most is there to light our path through the darkness. He can be our personal guide as we seek to find peace in this troubled world. Fear not, for His pathways are straight and His light an eternal beacon of hope. He offers a peace that will surpass all understanding. No matter how desperate, lost, alone or afraid you may feel, Our Savior Jesus Christ is there to help. All you need to do is ask.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Beatitude… Attitude

Those of Christian faith are familiar with a special group of Jesus Christ’s teachings called “The Beatitudes” They can
help us strengthen our personal faith and also improve our relationships with others. I have included them in my writing below.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, who come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Do you feel like something spiritual is missing in your life? Are you desirous to drawer closer to the Lord? These are questions you may have as you are drawn to be poor in spirit. Do you have an open heart? Do you feel a yearning for more knowledge, more awareness of who you are, where you came from why you are even here?  These are they who are poor in spirit.

“Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.”Mourn here is not referring to the loss of a loved one. It is more personal in nature. Are there miss deeds in your life that hang heave in your heart and burden your soul? Do you wish to change your life from one of sinful behavior to that of good deeds and love for others? To mourn in this case is to feel remorse so deep that you desire more than anything to change the direction of your life. These are they that mourn.
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
To be meek is not being a wimp or being afraid to speak up.  Do you keep control of your temper when it wants to rage? Do you stifle angry works to keep peace in the family? Have you learned to listen and respond with kindness? These are they that are Meek.
Blessed are they who so hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Do you desire to purify your life through worshiping the Lord? Wishing to do away with sinful practices in our lives by repenting of those behaviors, seeking the Lord in prayer and sincerely asking forgiveness for our miss deeds is the beginning of the journey. As we do so, the desire to become better increases and we long, or hunger to become better deep within our hearts. The wonderful part of this is we will never walk alone for the Lord will send the Holy Ghost to assist those to have the desire to change. 

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
We live in a world that lacks the kindness, caring and deep love many early settlers of the first US colonists once had. The came here with great love in their hearts and shared in with others in word and deed. With so much hatred and malice in the world being merciful and forgiving can not only bless the lives of others but ours as well. The positive and uplifting effects help us to become more like our Savior day by day. 

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Honestly, justly and openly dealing with others will bring great blessings to your life and to those you share it with. There is much peace in the life of an honest person for his heart is pure in deed as well as in thought. 

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
The need to bring stability and balance into our fallen world grows more evident with each passing day. The wars are many and are often played out within the walls of our own home. We can make a difference in our world, our neighborhoods, our homes and within our families.  If we are prayerful the guidance of the Lord can direct our words, actions, and deeds to increase harmony from within and without.” Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Muddy Paths

When hiking on a warm spring day there was much to be thankful for. Enjoying the clean air, the clear blue sky and the sun’s kiss on our skin was a fine start. The splendor of nature brought peace to our thoughts as we enjoyed the world around us. The sound of an eagles cry rang across the sky and we paused watching the wind rush through the trees.  Robins and sparrows darted here and there in search of nesting material. Cresting a ridge the view was amazing. In the valley bellow a large bull elk bugled, the sound echoing across the hills. We gradually descended to the stream and took a short break. A doe and fawn drank from the other side but didn’t linger. It seemed the perfect time for lunch and we enjoyed the respite. All in all it was a wonderful day. When afternoon clouds moved in we were unconcerned, as thundershowers were normal.

Later in the day, after surprisingly strong winds and heavy rainfall we head back toward the trailhead. Our clothing wet and boots soggy the muddy terrain made the going ruff. The soil contained a lot of clay and it stuck with increasing amounts with every step. The extra effort to make minimal progress and stay upright was exhausting. The five mile journey back to our truck was torture. We were bushed and the sun dropping behind the trees when we arrived. Setting on the tailgate and removing our boots was more challenging than expected. The laces were caked with mud and leaves. Rocks had wedged themselves tightly in the soles. Removal of our boots required a joint effort. We hurried on our way as it was a two hour drive back home and we were starving! All that extra effort had zapped our strength.  Very cold, tired, dirty and worn out, we stopped at the first fast food drive through we could find, grateful for the renewed energy.
Although the story above is fiction, days like these do happen.  The circumstances may vary but we all walk on slippery paths at one time or another. Appearance would lead us to believe we are but one being.  However we experience life on two levels, physical and spiritual. It is possible, as we wade through this corrupt world, the thunderstorms of sin will poor down upon us. Our spiritual sandals can become unstable as we slip in the clay of sin. If allowed, it can built up and become hardened. Hindering our spiritual progression to a level that we forget the truths we once knew and turn away from the Lord. There are many that will help when the sun shines, but when the storms of life come,  and our heavy feet unable to take another step, we are often deserted by those in the world as they pass by. Their cruel laughter, like sharp darts, as we flounder in the mud hole of sin. We rationalize that giving up is easier than moving forward.  However, all is not lost! The world may turn away, but the Lord is willing to free us from our bonds, our burdens, our sins even our hardened clay. He will not just offer a hand, but will stand by your side supporting and lifting until you can stand on firm ground once again. His enduring love your greatest strength. When you are refreshed, restrengthened and prepared He will give you a new pair of sandals… What paths will you choose to walk?.