Our Savior Jesus Christ not only preached the word, he lived the word and he is the word. His life was one of humble service and obedience to the will of the Father. His love for all mankind is evident in his every word, action and deed. His sacrifices were many and his suffering unfathomable. He gave his life that we might be freed from sin and over come the bonds of mortality when we come unto Him. His life was so much more than most of the world knows... After the resurrection and his appearance to those in Jerusalem he ascended into heaven.... but he had "other sheep" to visit. This marvelous event is found within the pages of the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Which contains the history and doings of Ancient American inhabitants. Their faith, their, struggles and the destruction of many who chose evil over good. Yet woven there in are the testimonies of many prophets, great faith build experiences and the visitation of the resurrected Jesus Christ. He showed them his wounds, taught them, blessed them and healed all those in need. His love and compassion is conveyed by words, actions and deeds.
If we come unto Jesus with full purpose of heart he will show us the way home... Let him lift you, for earth has no sorrows that heaven can't heal....
Here is my Video Easter gift, enjoy.
Come As You Are
The world is full of pathways and the choices are numberless. There are some that seem attractive and desirable but eventually lead to darkness and despair. Other pathways can draw us into a comfortable existence but then our progress stops. There are the tempting choices that appeal to our physical desires that can bring personal hardships, destroying families and individuals. All is not lost. He who loves us most is there to light our path through the darkness. He can be our personal guide as we seek to find peace in this troubled world. Fear not, for His pathways are straight and His light an eternal beacon of hope. He offers a peace that will surpass all understanding. No matter how desperate, lost, alone or afraid you may feel, Our Savior Jesus Christ is there to help. All you need to do is ask.