help us strengthen our personal faith and also improve our relationships with others. I have included them in my writing below.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, who come
unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Do you feel like something spiritual is missing in your
life? Are you desirous to drawer closer to the Lord? These are questions you
may have as you are drawn to be poor in spirit. Do you have an open heart? Do
you feel a yearning for more knowledge, more awareness of who you are, where
you came from why you are even here? These are they who are poor in spirit.
“Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.”Mourn here is not referring to the loss of a loved one. It is more personal in nature. Are there miss deeds in your life that hang heave in your heart and burden your soul? Do you wish to change your life from one of sinful behavior to that of good deeds and love for others? To mourn in this case is to feel remorse so deep that you desire more than anything to change the direction of your life. These are they that mourn.
“Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.”Mourn here is not referring to the loss of a loved one. It is more personal in nature. Are there miss deeds in your life that hang heave in your heart and burden your soul? Do you wish to change your life from one of sinful behavior to that of good deeds and love for others? To mourn in this case is to feel remorse so deep that you desire more than anything to change the direction of your life. These are they that mourn.
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall
inherit the earth.”
To be meek
is not being a wimp or being afraid to speak up. Do you keep control of your temper when it
wants to rage? Do you stifle angry works to keep peace in the family? Have you
learned to listen and respond with kindness? These are they that are Meek.
Blessed are they who so hunger and thirst
after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Do you
desire to purify your life through worshiping the Lord? Wishing to do away with
sinful practices in our lives by repenting of those behaviors, seeking the Lord
in prayer and sincerely asking forgiveness for our miss deeds is the beginning
of the journey. As we do so, the desire to become better increases and we long,
or hunger to become better deep within our hearts. The wonderful part of this
is we will never walk alone for the Lord will send the Holy Ghost to assist
those to have the desire to change.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall
obtain mercy.
We live in a
world that lacks the kindness, caring and deep love many early settlers of the
first US colonists once had. The came here with great love in their hearts and
shared in with others in word and deed. With so much hatred and malice in the
world being merciful and forgiving can not only bless the lives of others but
ours as well. The positive and uplifting effects help us to become more like
our Savior day by day.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they
shall see God.
justly and openly dealing with others will bring great blessings to your life
and to those you share it with. There is much peace in the life of an honest
person for his heart is pure in deed as well as in thought.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall
be called the children of God.
The need to
bring stability and balance into our fallen world grows more evident with each
passing day. The wars are many and are often played out within the walls of our
own home. We can make a difference in our world, our neighborhoods, our homes and
within our families. If we are prayerful
the guidance of the Lord can direct our words, actions, and deeds to increase
harmony from within and without.” Let there be peace on earth and let it begin
with me.”